Trauma-Informed Care: Improving Well-Being of Correction Professionals
The New York State Office of Victim Services (OVS) is announcing a funding opportunity for a train-the-trainer course provider with documented experience providing trauma-informed care training to correction professionals.
In an effort to reduce manifestations of fatigue and “burnout” and to foster an improved relationship between corrections staff and justice-involved individuals, OVS, in partnership with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS), is seeking a vendor to develop and deliver a 40 hour, in-person, classroom style, train-the-trainer curriculum for up to 300 correction officers, civilian staff and administrators on trauma-informed care, the impact of vicarious trauma and concrete self-care practices and strategies.
One contract resulting from this Request for Proposals will be effective July 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022. For additional information regarding this procurement opportunity as well as important deadlines, please view the New York State Contract Reporter Advertisement or click the link below to download the full RFP.
Improving the Well-Being of Corrections Professionals - RFP
On behalf of the New York State Office of Victim Services, thank you for your commitment to providing the highest quality services to victims of crime in New York State.