Click here to access the OVS Training Needs Assessment Survey!!
OVS is committed to meeting the training and technical assistance needs of all victim service providers and we need your help to help shape the future of these training efforts. Partnering with the Center for Human Services Research at the University at Albany (SUNY), OVS is conducting an anonymous and all-inclusive state-wide training needs assessment survey. Your participation in this survey is critical to our development of future training topics, types and schedules that are directly responsive to your needs. Efforts from previous needs assessment surveys have shaped recent training opportunities considerably and would not have been possible without feedback from victim service professionals like you.
Click here to take the survey!
The survey will be available until close-of-business on July 8, 2020.
#training #trainingandoutreach #NeedsAssessmentSurvey #VAPSurvey #survey
Last call for participation!
The OVS 2020 Training Needs Assessment Survey closes tomorrow and we need your help to shape the future of training! Anyone in your organization is welcome to take the survey. Don't miss this last chance to have your voice heard and take the survey today! Click here to take the survey!
#needsassessment #training