TTARP provides free on-demand targeted training and technical assistance to OVS-funded Victim Assistance Programs (VAPs) through our designated training partners at CUNY Institute for State & Local Governance (ISLG).
During this 90-minute webinar, participants will:
Gain an understanding of TTARP via a brief overview and introduction to ISLG
Learn how to request free training and technical assistance
Receive a brief sample training: Developing Meaningful Survivor Engagement Models
Join us on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 from 1 - 2:30 p.m. for a launch webinar with ISLG outlining the program and how it works, with a complimentary training on Developing Meaningful Survivor Engagement Models. Registration is free - click here reserve your spot today!
OVS Training and Technical Assistance Request Program (TTARP) is Live!
To learn more, including where to submit requests, please click here.
#OVS #OVSTrainingAndOutreach #TTARP #ISLG #Training #TrainingAndTechnicalAssistance #Free