New York State Office of Victim Services
Welcome to VAP Connect, a forum for OVS-funded Victim Assistance Programs (VAPs) to come together, network, and share valuable information and best practices with one another, while also staying in touch with the latest updates from OVS.
As this community grows, we hope that you will take advantage of the wealth of information from your peers, and use this as an opportunity to expand your community.
Take a look at our FORUM page, and see what our community has to offer. MEMBERS have access to interacting with one another and creating posts and adding to discussions. While we've gotten things started, this tool is for you, and we hope that you're able to take advantage of everything it has to offer. Follow categories that interest you for notifications, and check back in for updates and new announcements!
You can also learn more about how to use VAP Connect by viewing the recently recorded VAP Connect Launch Q&A Webinar.
As always, thank you for your commitment to providing the highest quality services to victims of crime across New York State.